Oral Presentation Guidelines
Oral presentations of volunteered papers are 10 minutes with 2-3 minutes for discussion(15 minutes in total for Q&A.)
All presenters must bring their PowerPoint/PDF presentation on a USB memory key one hour before their presentation to have it pre‐loaded on the session computers. Individual presentations then begin with the click of a mouse.
All events are conducted in English.
Practice your presentation beforehand and time it.
Use active words, short sentences. Words should reinforce visual material.
Our events are designed to be as interactive and frank as possible. All speakers and participants are encouraged to participate in their own personal capacity.
Participants are encouraged to contribute to their own personal capacity.
Speak loudly and clearly.
You may wish to bring business cards to share your contact information with other conference attendees.
Conference Chair/Session chair guidelines
Session chairs may wish to make some brief remarks on the theme of the session before introducing the speakers and chairing the subsequent discussion. In order to ensure the maximum time for roundtable discussion, the session chair’s introductory remarks should not exceed five minutes. In particular, session chairs are asked to ensure that speakers keep to time and that there is ample opportunity for other participants to contribute to the discussion. Short biographies of all speakers will be included in the conference pack.
Speakers, Session and Discussion Group Chairs are requested to supply a short biography before the event (no longer than three paragraphs) for inclusion in conference documentation.
A report will be distributed to all participants after the event. it will summarise the key conclusions and policy recommendations, but will not attribute views to any individual.
Best Oral Presentation Award
The main purpose of instituting a Best Oral Presentation Award: This award is intended to reward the presenters for the extra effort it takes to prepare a top caliber presentation. Through this mechanism, we hope to encourage an even higher caliber of presentation.
The certificate: The participants will receive digital certificate.
Number of Awards: each session will select a best oral presentation.
Student best presentation: The award is open to any presenter under 35 years of age.
The criteria for the Best Oral Presentation Award are
Clarity of submitted abstract
Importance of the work
Novelty of the work
Level of completion of the work
Uniqueness or originality of the research topic
Ability of the presenter to explain the work
ICVISP 2024 awards at least one best paper award at each session. The best paper is selected by scores compiled by the at least 2 session chairs from those papers that have received the highest review scores and/or highest number of best paper award nominations.
*The general chair can choose to create additional awards, such as more than one best paper award, a best student paper award, or best paper awards in specific areas.
Presentation: The awards shall be announced during the conference, and the names of award winners will be published in conference News.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
Please have your poster prepared in advance. It is strongly recommended that your poster is made of a material that can be held by the pins which will be available at the Poster Help Desk.
The dimensions of the poster board are A1 (594mm*841mm). Poster Template
Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors' names and affiliations as stated in the submitted abstract.
The text and illustrations should be bold and large enough to read from a distance of two meters (six feet).
Posters should be mounted and removed by the participants as per the time slot allotted to him/her.
The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for posters that are not removed on time.
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